David Allen, a popular TikTok star known as ToTouchAnEmu, recently became a father. However, just five weeks after the birth of his daughter, Lily Grace, he faces unimaginable heartbreak as she unexpectedly passed away.
David Allen has over ten million followers on TikTok and a million on Instagram, where he typically shares humorous videos. But instead of a lighthearted clip, the 35-year-old shared tragic news with his fans. His daughter, Lily Grace, died in her sleep only five weeks after being born.
On Instagram, David Allen posted a video featuring moments with his daughter. Alongside the video, he wrote, “Daddy will miss you forever, baby.” In the emotional video, Allen shared that his TikTok career has brought him many exciting experiences. “But the coolest thing I’ve ever done was welcoming my baby Lily into the world with my wife Jessica.”
Lily Grace Allen was born on June 21 and passed away unexpectedly in her sleep around midnight on July 27. “She was five weeks old when she left us,” Allen continued. “I’ve cried every tear I can cry. It’s not easy. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone.”
Outpouring of support from fans
Nearly 30,000 people liked Allen’s post, with numerous fans offering their condolences and support. “My heart is broken. I’m sending you as much healing energy and love as possible,” one user commented. Another added, “I can’t imagine the pain you must be feeling. It’s heartbreaking.”
In June, David Allen shared the first picture of Lily Grace with his fans, taken shortly after her birth. At that time, he mentioned that his future content would focus heavily on his daughter. “I apologize in advance,” he joked then. Only five weeks later, the small Lily Grace has passed away.