A tragic start marked the first school day at a secondary school in Frankenberg, Saxony, as a 15-year-old student passed away due to a drug overdose over the last weekend of the holidays. The incident, made public by the Frankenberg Educational Association on Facebook, has caused widespread shock and sadness.
According to the Chemnitz Police Department, cited by the newspaper “Bild,” the girl was admitted to the hospital on Saturday evening. Medical examinations revealed the consumption of cannabis and amphetamines, with Facebook posts mentioning Ecstasy pills. Despite the medical team’s best efforts, she could not be saved and died during the night from Saturday to Sunday.
The news quickly spread through the small town in the Mittelsachsen district. The class parent representative initiated a fundraising campaign to give the girl a proper farewell. “I want to lovingly call upon everyone to appropriately bid farewell to this 15-year-old girl,” she said. “Perhaps the parent representatives can collect a small donation and hand it over to me so I can give it to where it is needed.” A teacher remembered the deceased girl as a “sweet girl.”
Police investigation
The police have launched an investigation to understand the circumstances surrounding this tragic event, also examining possible violations of cannabis laws. The investigators are searching for the dealer who supplied the illegal drugs to the schoolgirl. Additionally, a toxicological report has been commissioned to clarify the exact cause of death.
The community is mourning the loss of a young life while authorities work to uncover the details behind this heartbreaking incident.