In the Dortmund districts of Derne, Hostedde, and Scharnhorst, a total of 18 cars were broken into. The police are now looking for witnesses.

Following a series of 18 car break-ins in the Dortmund districts of Derne, Hostedde, and Scharnhorst, the criminal police are searching for the perpetrators and asking the public for information. The incidents occurred on the evening of Wednesday, July 31, and the night of Thursday, August 1.
The thieves stole items including wallets, debit cards, smartphones, and cigarettes from the vehicles. With the stolen debit cards, withdrawals were already made at ATMs, and payments were conducted in retail stores. The police are currently examining possible video recordings to gather clues about the perpetrators and remind citizens not to leave valuables in their vehicles.
Resident reports suspect
A resident reported to the police via the emergency number 110 that he observed a suspicious person searching a vehicle on the night of Thursday. The police subsequently approached a suspect and confirmed his identity. However, whether this individual is responsible for the crimes remains under investigation.
The criminal police are asking for more information and can be reached at 0231/132 7441. Additionally, evidence collection was conducted at the crime scenes. Car owners whose vehicles might also have been affected are urged to contact the police.
Overview of the crime scenes
- Tippweg
- Müserstraße
- Vogtsstück
- Im Schellenkai
- Nierstefeldstraße
- Goesebrink
- Oberbeckerstraße
- Woldenmey
- Spannstraße
- Stresemannstraße
- Max-Brod-Straße
- Droote
- In der Liethe
- Graebnerstraße