Actor Michael Madsen has been arrested in California on charges of domestic violence. According to reports from “Entertainment Weekly,” police were called to Malibu over the weekend following a family dispute. Madsen’s wife claimed that he had pushed her out of their home and locked her out. The 66-year-old actor was taken into custody.
Madsen, known for his roles in Quentin Tarantino’s films, and his wife DeAnna Madsen, with whom he has been married for nearly 30 years, had a “disagreement,” according to a statement from the actor’s representatives, as reported by “Variety” on Monday. The couple hopes to resolve the conflict amicably. Madsen was released after posting bail set at $20,000 (approximately €18,000).
This incident comes two and a half years after a tragic loss for the Madsen family. In early 2022, their son Hudson died at the age of 26. The family released a statement at the time saying, “Our hearts are broken, and we are overwhelmed with grief and pain over the loss of Hudson. His memory and light will remain with all who knew and loved him. We ask for privacy and respect during this difficult time. Thank you.”
Hudson Madsen took his own life, a shocking event for his father. Shortly after Hudson’s death, Michael Madsen told the “Los Angeles Times,” “I’m in shock because my son, whom I spoke to just a few days ago, said he was happy – his last text to me was ‘I love you, Dad.’ I saw no signs of depression. It’s so tragic and sad. I’m just trying to make sense of it all and understand what happened.”
Michael Madsen is best known for playing villains and for his collaboration with Quentin Tarantino, who was also Hudson’s godfather. Madsen appeared in Tarantino’s films such as “Reservoir Dogs,” “Kill Bill,” “The Hateful Eight,” and “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.” His other notable roles include “Thelma & Louise,” “Wyatt Earp,” “Mulholland Falls,” and “Die Another Day.”