Simone Thomalla, the beloved German actress, is taking a brief hiatus from her role in the hit ZDF series “Frühling” to work on another television project. Since its debut in 2011, “Frühling” has become a huge success for the network, largely thanks to Thomalla’s portrayal of the village helper, Katja Baumann, a role that seems tailor-made for her.
Simone Thomalla’s unique role in “Frühling”
The role of Katja Baumann in “Frühling” has kept Thomalla, now 59, thoroughly engaged. The character was created by writer and producer Natalie Scharf, who had a specific vision in mind. “I didn’t want a typical village helper, the way you would imagine one,” Scharf, 58, shared in the “Herzkino-Podcast.” She saw Thomalla as “Germany’s Sandra Bullock” at the time and thought it would be interesting to place someone like her in a village setting, where she would grow and evolve in unexpected ways.
Thomalla’s dedication to the role has been evident, as she has juggled her work on “Frühling” with other commitments. Until 2015, she also played the role of Leipzig’s “Tatort” commissioner, Eva Saalfeld. Her appearances in other formats have become less frequent, but she recently made a brief return to “Das Traumschiff,” where she portrayed Kerstin Martensen on a journey to Thailand for the Easter special.
Stepping into a new role in “Doppelhaushälfte”
Thomalla’s agency recently announced via Instagram that she would be stepping away from the mountains and the “Frühling” set for a few days to begin filming a new ZDF series, the cult show “Doppelhaushälfte.” Starting next week, Thomalla will be on set for this comedy series, which has been gaining popularity with its unique take on family dynamics.
While details about her role in “Doppelhaushälfte” remain under wraps, fans are already speculating. One fan expressed their excitement on social media, saying, “I hope she plays a pretty crazy or nasty character in the series. I’m sure Mrs. Thomalla would love to take on such a role. After all, she’s more than just Katja Baumann. She has shown her range in various roles before. I’m really looking forward to seeing her in a new role.”
The third season of “Doppelhaushälfte,” which explores the everyday prejudices, mistrust, and conflicts within the migrant patchwork family Sawadi-Kröger from the city and the East German village family Knuppe, has been airing since August 13th, with the first episodes available on the ZDF Mediathek since August 9th. The show stars Milan Peschel, 56, Minh-Khai Phan-Thi, 50, Maryam Zaree, 41, and Benito Bause, 33.
A new chapter in love for Simone Thomalla
In addition to her professional success, Thomalla seems to be finding happiness in her personal life as well. After several years of thriving on screen but struggling in love, things seem to be taking a positive turn. Recent photos obtained by Bild show Thomalla walking hand in hand with a new man through the streets of Berlin. The couple was reportedly spotted enjoying a romantic dinner at the famous “Paris Bar” before their stroll.
With a promising new role on the horizon and a newfound love interest by her side, Simone Thomalla appears to be entering an exciting new phase in both her career and personal life.